Saturday, November 27, 2010


Openmoko project Logo Neo 1973 Neo FreeRunner Openmoko () platform with open source and free software based on Linux for GSM smartphones. development and production of the company's Smartphone FIC. currently, there are two devices with the Openmoko and Neo 1973: Neo FreeRunner. Diagram PCB layout with source codes are available on the site Openmoko. IstoriâKompaniâ announces next generation Openmoko platform as their smartphones. Neo 1973, the first mass model, built on the Openmoko, was presented at the Open Source in Mobile conferences in Amsterdam. Planned revenue on sale in spring 2008, the cost of some 450 dollars anonsirovalas′ United States for the base model and about 600 dollars for an expanded set of published roadmap "free my phone" Openmoko platform. [openmoko-announce] Free your Phone 11 February 2007, stage 0: the phone was free to select developers. At the same time became a publicly available source code distribution Openmoko Linux. However, the available sites on which you will be able to buy the phone. Launched sales of 9 July 2007, stage 1: telephone supplier for developers could buy on a commercial website. June 2008 — started mass production of the second model, the Neo FreeRunner. Cleared to start Mass production Platform Specifications Linux (developers snapshot) xserver-kdrive X11R7.1-1.1.0-r7 Matchbox (window manager) GTK + 2.6.10-r9 Evolution Data Server eds-dbus 1.4.0 Phone Edition Support company Trolltech Qtopia which is Opkg package management system (based on ipkg). See also Android Greenphone Maemo Comments Links Main site Commercial site review Openmoko on YouTube Category: operating systems for mobile devices Category: cell phones Category: Smartphones Category: open source hardware obespečeniear: aopen moco cs: Openmoko da: Openmoko de: Openmoko en: Openmoko eo: Openmoko es: OpenMoko eu: Openmoko fi: OpenMoko fr: Openmoko hy: Openmoko id: OpenMoko it: Openmoko ja: OpenMoko lt: Openmoko ms: Openmoko nl: OpenMoko no: OpenMoko pl: OpenMoko pt: OpenMoko ro: OpenMoko sv: Openmoko tr: Openmoko zh: OpenMoko