Sunday, October 24, 2010


AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service is an advanced mobile phone service)-analogue standard for mobile communications in the frequency range of up to 890 MHz 825 developed for North America, then spread to other countries. OsobennostiBolee over NMT-450, capacity networks. Low level of industrial and atmospheric interference. More reliable than the NMT-450, communications at the premises. Lower zone sustainable linkages for one base station that is forcing operators to be closer to each other. The current situation AMPS obsolete, and in 1990 in the United States has developed standard D-AMPS. Standard little widespread in Europe and Asia. 18 April 2008, closed down dvustandartn network AMPS/CDMA-800 Fora Commmunications (belonged to Tele2) in St. Petersburg is the latest major network of AMPS. Category: Standards mobile telefoniibe-x-old: AMPS de: Advanced Mobile Phone Service en: Advanced Mobile Phone System es: Sistema Telefónico Móvil Avanzado fa: سیستم tlfan موبایل پیشرفته id: Advanced Mobile Phone System ja: AMPS pl: AMPS pt: AMPS su: AMPS sv: Advanced Mobile Phone Service zh: 類bishixing動電huaxi統